I offer you the opportunity to participate in shamanistic sound therapy. Sound therapy can be done either for one person or for a group.
Shamanic sound therapy for one person:
The treatment is carried out either as local treatment in Seinäjoki Koura or Soulgarden, or as remote treatment via the internet or at a suitable place chosen by the customer (such as the customer's home). During the treatment, you sit or lie in a comfortable position while I play the healing drum and channel healing sounds for you. When I drum I go into a trance state where I channel the voices and singing of different spirits and helpers. Through my own body, I dismantle energy blockages and imbalances in the client's field. Sound therapy can be a rough and tough event, not necessarily always a relaxing and gentle sound journey. Voice therapy is always individual and takes shape based on the customer's needs. The helpers channeled in the treatment are the client's guides and helpers as well as my own.
Price 62 e (+ travel expenses if necessary)
Shamanic sound therapy for a group:
I will be happy to lead a shamanistic drum circle for your group. The group size can be 2 people or more. Drum circle participants can participate in the drum circle by playing their own drums, singing, vocalizing, dancing, or just listening and receiving healing. The shamanistic drum circle involves inviting helpful guides to give healing, and the drum circle will be opened in an opening ceremony and also closed ceremonially. When I drum I go into a trance state where I channel the voices and singing of different spirits and helpers. I guide the participants of the drum circle in the basics of shamanistic work and drum travel. I do not lead drum trips for intoxicated people and it is not recommended to participate in a drum circle if you suffer from a psychotic illness or schizophrenia that is poorly managed.
The drum circle can be held in Seinäjoki Koura or Soulgarden or in a suitable place at the customers' premises.
Price 305 e/circle (the price can be divided among the participants) + travel expenses if necessary if I travel outside Seinäjoki.
Here are the recordings of two shamanistic drum circles that I have held, which will help you get an idea of what a drum circle is like and you can participate in the drum journey through the recording: